Wednesday, January 21, 2009

While we are thanking God...

I just keep giving thanks over and over again that I have such healthy, strong girls, it is all I can do.

Saskia's stomach flu has not gotten any better, at 11am this morning she was admitted to the hospital for observation with a diagnosis of gastroentitis (sp). By 7pm, she had still only been able to keep down about 4.5 ounces of water in the past 48+ hours. Her lack of wet diapers and tests showed that she was nearing the danger zone for dehydration, so she was put on an IV drip. Erik and I are taking 6 hour shifts with her at the hospital. I just got home from mine, and so will keep this short to try to get some sleep.

She was a different baby today than yesterday. Much more subdued and whimpery. It is painful to watch, even my HS principal cried when he saw her during visiting hours. However, she manages to scream like the dickens anytime a nurse or doctor comes within 10 feet of her, so she still has some spunk.

Hopefully with the IV fluids on board, she will finally get a good night sleep, and be back to her old self sooner rather than later. She was sleeping like a baby when I left her around midnight tonight.

I thank God everyday for my children's health and happiness, today I have found myself choked up with gratitude again and again. I am so blessed. This is merely a blip on the radar.

Please pray, send happy thoughts or whatever it is you do, for the health and welfare of all kids everywhere.

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